For several years now, this website has been self-hosted, at my place, on an ESX.

However, given the soaring electricity prices, and the coming summer (remember that a server is 1 to 2 extra degrees in my living room), I decided to reorganize my network to switch from my two rack servers and keep only the microservers.

All the virtual servers are now stopped, and the website has been transferred to a host. This ensures an availability rate of 99.9%, and thus reduces my electricity bill 😉

Unfortunately, my old web server having had a configuration problem (some of you may have noticed it, by the impossibility of accessing the website from time to time), I could not resume the configuration to re-import it directly to the host. I had to completely reinstall the content management system managing the site, as well as copy all the pages and articles by hand.

The site is now on the new host, my ESX will be turned off, formatted and reinstalled properly in order to use my lab when I need it. In the meantime, the extinction of this server is good for my ears 🙂